Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc

arkon 80mm adhesive mounting disk for car dashboards gps smartphone dashboard disc

Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc

  • Adhesive mounting disc works with any 70mm windshield suction mounting pedestals for adhering to dashboards
  • Compatible with Arkon GN079WDSBH, GN068WDSBH, GN022SBH, GN014SBH, GN015SBH, and GN042SBH mounting pedestals

Buy Now : Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc

Brand : ARKON
Category : Electronics,GPS, Finders & Accessories,GPS System Accessories,Vehicle Mounts
Rating : 4.3
Price : US $4.88
Review Count : 967
ChildASIN : B001IB2120,B0B2R84H5L

Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc

  • For thr price can go wrong.
  • Works Great! I have a slightly curved dash and needed something with a little flexibility. My dash is also VERY pebbly so needed something with a great adhesive. These Arkon Discs are perfect! I originally bought a 90mm for the left side of my dash, then decided I wanted to be able to put my GPS in the middle sometimes, so I bought an 80 and left the first one where it was.These sort of blend in with my black dash, which is nice since I always have a blank disc just sitting there, depending on which side I have my GPS on. I like it in middle for daily driving, on the far left for long trips & vacations.***NOTE:***These are a little flexible, especially the larger 90mm, as it has more material in it to bend. The 80 I put on a fairly flat area, but it will flex (tested it in my hand before mounting). The adhesive is VERY strong, which you want. As far as people complaining about the adhesive not working......use some sense and clean the area in and around where you want to place this disc. Use alcohol and a clean rag, then wait a few minutes for the spot to dry before removing the tape and pressing firmly down for 20-30 seconds. Then WAIT. Wait at least 24 hours for the adhesive to cure before actually mounting y our GPS to the pad.This is all common sense information, AND it is included in the instruction sheet....but people don\'t read and they are too impatient. It\'s a little ridiculous to see bad ratings from people who clearly did not follow the simple instructions to mount these properly.Again, I have a curved, pebbly dash and these pads hold perfectly! Use the instructions (above) and you won\'t have any problems at all.
  • Perfect! I bought a cell phone holder from Samsung, cost a good chunk of change, but only came with one disc. Well, what do you do when the car gets sold? Buy another $70 phone holder? Nope. Just get three of these replacement discs and keep \'em in a drawer. I\'ve got one on the dash and one on my recorder stand indoors (I\'m a musician, and use my smart phone as an mp3 player). So yea, great find here. Get the right size for you though. This size fits my Samsung S4 dashboard holder nicely. Other sizes of these stick on discs, wont fit the S4 holder. But yours may NEED a different size, so measure it. TIP: I hear a lot about it falling off the dashboard because the sticky lets go in the heat. Well, maybe, I dont know, because having read that I took all possible precautions. I dont LEAVE the holder stuck to the disc in the hot car, so it doesnt have weight on it to pull it off if the sticky heats up. ALSO it can make all the difference, if you just DO what instructions say to the letter. If it tells you to leave it 24 hours before you use it, do so! In fact if you can give it a week, even better (glue hardens as it ages!). Plus you need to make sure the surface is as clean and bone dry as possible, so it adheres as best it can in the first place. Good luck. Mine have been working great for a year now.
  • The size was right but even with decreasing, rinsing and the cleaning with 90% alcohol this would not stay stuck yo dash. Gave it 24 yrs before attaching a Garmin gps. Came out to go to the store an hour later and the GPS was in the floor with the disc still attached. Adhesive is a cheap 3M or a fake. Go for the red 3M adhesive on the one you buy.Thata been stuck to my Trailblazer for 5 yrs now.
  • I use this on the back of my car, where the suction of one of my cheaper dash cams is unable to grip the glass due to the heating elements. Using the adhesive backing for this, I am able to have a dedicated spot for my dash cam to stick to.Make sure you clean the mounting disk free of any fingerprints, then use distilled water to lightly mist the disk. Once you do that, you can place the suction on top. The water will will seal the suction to prevent air from coming in, basically welding the suction cup to the disk. Since my installation over a year ago, my dash cam has not fallen off in either cold or hot weather, nor has the disk itself come loose.This is a no brainer for people who are having issues getting their dash cams to stay adhered to their windshields or back windows on their cars. This is also a good adhesive to use on porous desks or even car dashes (note, the adhesive may cause discoloration, or block UV rays from the sun resulting in uneven discoloration) to prevent suction damage to leather dashes, or to allow suction cups to be used in places they normally would not work.
  • I installed this on the dash of my Subaru Outback, after cleaning and drying the spot carefully. It was used to hold a phone mount. The disk fell off the dash after about one week, and the adhesive had no stickiness left at all. I scraped off the adhesive and replaced it with 3M 4910 VHB Tape. It\'s been holding strong for a about 5 weeks now. For reference, I bought the VHB tape four years ago to reattach the model# decal on the trunk of my Saab (which has held up well). This tape is designed for rough, exterior use. It\'s way overkill for a phone mount, but I\'m tired of solutions that don\'t work. Now I don\'t have to worry about this anymore.
  • This disc is quite a bit larger than the GPS suction cup on my Garmin. That made it a little difficult to place on my dash because the dash has a curve to it, there really isn\'t a \"flat\" spot. I got a dash disc because my friend would complain when the GPS would fall off the windshield. I thought the disc would fix that problem. But the GPS fell off the disc too. Oh well. I think it is probably less often of an occurance with the disc than direct mounting on the windshield. And it is not the discs fault I think, more of a condensation-temperature change-suction cup thing. The disc has not moved since I placed it in the car. Thieves have been known to break into cars when they have suction cup marks on the windshield because they think that means there\'s a GPS in the car - having a permanent disc on your dash won\'t help this. But I place the box of tissues I keep in my car over it when I\'m parked. Don\'t know if it helps any, but better than nothing.

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