Planet Kapow 18 Mexico City to Taxco

Planet Kapow 18 Mexico City to Taxco

#Planet #Kapow #Mexico #Taxco Planet Kapow 18 Mexico City to Taxco.

THE TEAMS all here finally thrown together in the fiery bubbling cauldron of Mexico City Planet Kapow is ready to properly begin and Mexicos laying out a welcome mat of fun times and dancing skeletons r r 2010 marked one hundred years since Zapata Villa Carranza and Obregon fought the Mexican Revolution an eleven year period of passion and conflict which managed to send the country into almost eighty years of one party democracy followed immediately by the presidency being handed over to a Coca Cola executive But that result and the fact that the revolution was bereft of any coherent ideas and the fact that all four heroes of the revolution were assassinated by their own side and the fact that Villa was a thug and Obregon and Carranza were petty dictators and only Zapata was worth a good goddamn these things dont matter the revolution is a revered piece of Mexican legend Mexico City celebrated the centenary by hosting ten days of utterly mindmelting light and sound shows in the main zocalo bringing tens of thousands of people shoulder to shoulder to watch psychedelic bubbles crumbling buildings and dancing skeletons and basically have their skulls crushed under an extreme level of awesome As the ash from thousands of fireworks fell gently into our hair and onto our shoulders and the mammoth crowd shouted Viva Mexico as one you could forgive a little mythmaking r r And now with the girls here everything is shiny and new again and DF explodes with fresh vigour The sections of the city that had been lifeless on our last visit now suddenly throbbed with energy even Teotihuacans pyramids seemed more awe inspiring than the first time round We headed out to Xochimilco a place Adam had been keen to visit since we first arrived in the city where pre Hispanic canals criss cross the landscape and boats are the only form of transport This is the Mexico City that Cortes found and conquered and though the boat ride started off a little rough the canal was little more than a sewer and we started counting the bloated rat corpses that bobbed slowly past we soon emerged onto the central canal where a dozen fiestas were going on simultaneously in raucous barges floating by to the sound of a hundred competing mariachi musicians Vendors selling corn glided past on little canoes drunken teenagers shouted and giggled from their end of school party boat and everything great about Mexico seemed to come together there on that peaceful river pulling level with us briefly and then flying past the great floating opera of love and music and passion and laughter and food and dance that is Mexico r r It was a great first week getting drunk on hostel rooftops spending a day wandering Chapultepec Park and its magnificent free zoo watching the frankly incredible pre Hispanic voladores ritual of four men throwing themselves from a fifty metre tall structure to which they were bound only by a rope tied to one foot and draining gigantic polystyrene cups of watery beer at the lucha libre wrestling the echoing smash of flesh on steel and costumed midgets being tossed from the ring enough to soothe Adam into sleep twice r r But by that stage we were all exhausted and feeling the need to hit the road Our first stop was the silver city of Taxco where we walked up and down the ridiculously steep streets to the incessant buzz of VW Beetles screaming past the beautiful whitewashed walls of the town and enjoyed yet more drunken nights on rooftops Taxco is an absolute treasure of a town that doesnt get nearly the exposure it deserves it really feels like a little world unto itself pitched high up at a silly angle against a mountainside with myriad cobblestone lanes branching off in all directions r r Truly amazing but theres heaps more lying on the road south and now were all here were all together after twelve months of talking and working and saving and dreaming were here were here its Mexico and its everywhere and the road is long but were on it and here we go r r In the song stakes this week we open with Quid Combos Quien Jugar then segue into Neon Walrus Mil Memorias and finish on Disco Ruidos excellent Mrs Love All three can be found on Fonogramaticos Vol 3 which is put out for free download by our friends over at Club Fonograma easily the best source of great Latin American music on the interwebs r r Planet Kapow is also excited to announce that we are now part of the Lifestyle PodNetwork which provides a variety of great podcasts You can check them out here

Length Seconds : 336
Published : Jan 27, 2011
Category : Travel Events
Is Shorts : NO
Channel : planetkapow
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Planet Kapow 18 Mexico City to Taxco

Planet Kapow 18 Mexico City to Taxco

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