Visiting Les Sources de Caudale in Martillac Bordeaux France

Visiting Les Sources de Caudale in Martillac Bordeaux France

#Visiting #Sources #Caudale #Martillac #Bordeaux #France Visiting Les Sources de Caudale in Martillac Bordeaux France.

Max and I had the chance to visit the origins of French beauty brand CAUDALE in Bordeaux and discover the whole spa hotel and premises See more on our fashion beauty and lifestyle blog CATS DOGS httpwww wie hund und katze com Videography Max Bechmann www fotografie film de

Length Seconds : 79
Published : 15-Sep-17
Category : People Blogs
Is Shorts : NO
Channel : Ricarda Schernus
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Visiting Les Sources de Caudale in Martillac Bordeaux France

Visiting Les Sources de Caudale in Martillac Bordeaux France

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